Updated 11 -2023
Please email all tech and logistical questions to [email protected]. Do not post in the group. This will ensure they are seen by customer care and we can track to make sure you are well taken care of.
The Blueprint Breakthrough, Inc., Jaiya, Inc. its assigns and subsidiaries (referred to in this document also as “we”, “us,” “the company,”) P.O. Box 34, Boulder, CO. 80306-0034, 669 238 3200, is a Colorado Corporation offering cutting edge practices to improve our client’s sex lives and partnerships.
The purchaser is responsible and accountable to contact [email protected] if they do not get the product they purchased. Also, the purchaser is responsible for checking their email for communication from The Blueprint Breakthrough.
Nature of Relationship:
The Company and its staff offer wellness and educational services. The program sessions provide training and intimacy skills for yourself and/or relationship and are not medical, financial, legal, or counseling advice.
You agree that you will solely remain responsible for contacting, communicating with, coordinating with, and otherwise retaining the services of your chosen professionals/physicians/health care providers. You agree that You will remain responsible to be mindful of Your own wellbeing while receiving our services and seek medical treatment as needed. We do not provide medical, nutritionist, or psychotherapy services of any sort. We are furthermore not responsible for any decisions made by Client as a result of the recommendations made by us and/or any consequences thereof.
You must be 18 years old or older to participate in any programs offered by The Company.
You acknowledge that The Company does not guarantee your ability to achieve a specific outcome from any program offered by The Company, one-on-one or group coaching sessions, classes (online or in person) or events. Each person has different awareness, skills and work ethic, and your level of participation along with factors outside the control of The Company and its staff will impact your level of success attained from your efforts within our program offerings. You accept and agree that you retain 100% of the responsibility for your progress and fitness while receiving our services. You accept and agree that you are the one vital element to your success and that we cannot control you or your outcome as a result of the services being rendered hereunder in any way.
We make no representations or guarantees verbally or in writing regarding performance of this Agreement other than those specifically enumerated herein. We and our affiliates disclaim the implied warranties of titles, merchantability, and fitness for a particular purpose.
Payment requirements for participation in any offering made by The Company.
You must use your own credit card or debit card and it is your responsibility to keep your billing information up to date and accurate for payments due to The Blueprint Breakthrough, Inc. Fees, including but not limited to additional interest or processing fees, bank fees for insufficient funds fees, etc., may be passed on to you for failure to meet the terms of your payment contract.
Course material, event tickets and membership are not transferrable. They are for the sole use of the purchaser.
Defaults and Cancellation Policy:
72 Hour Cancellation: You may cancel this transaction without penalty or obligation by contacting [email protected] prior to midnight of the third business day after the date of this Agreement. (Note: Refunds may take approximately 4-6 weeks to post to your account.) After the 72-hour cancellation period, in the event that you terminate services prior to the completion of the services, you shall be responsible for the entire fee set forth herein for services ordered. To the extent that You provide us with Credit-Card information for payment on your account, we shall be authorized to charge Your Credit-Card for any unpaid charges. You shall not make any chargebacks to the subject account or cancel the credit card that is provided as security without our prior written consent. You are responsible for any fees associated with recouping payment on chargebacks and any collection fees associated therewith.
Event Cancellations:
No cancellations of your reservation(s) will be allowed after the 72 hour cancellation period for any either of these events unless otherwise specified in this terms and conditions document.
Travel and Lodgings:
For all live workshops, including but not limited to ASES, Path to Passion, Pleasure Island Experience, and Ignite Your Passion, travel, meals and lodgings are not included, unless otherwise specified. In some cases, meals may be included. Inclusion of meals is specific to each event and you should inquire with The Company’s customer care specialist at care@theblueprintbreakthrough.
TERMS AND CONDITIONS – EROTIC FREEDOM CLUB™ and PLEASURE BUNDLE – Monthly Membership program – you are auto-enrolled
This Section Updated 11 – 2023
You must be 18 years old or older to participate in Erotic Freedom Club. By signing up for, or utilizing any of the offerings provided by The company, you attest that you are at least 18 years of age or older and you are abiding by any local jurisdictional regulations that may restrict your proper and lawful use of these materials.
Erotic Freedom Club is now a Lifetime Membership with no monthly membership fees.
If you or your partner are sharing your account access, please reach out to [email protected] to create your own individual account. There are cost effective ways to become a member of the Club.
There will be no monthly fees associated with the “Starter” membership level.
Those who pay-in-full for the course tuition for the Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough Program, there are no monthly membership fees for any paid-in-full clients! There will be no monthly fees associated with your participation.
Members may not share accounts. Each individual must have an account to be a member of Erotic Freedom Club. This is in alignment with our Community Agreements (which all members must sign) consist of the “C’s” of our Community Agreements which are: Confidentiality, Consent, Conscious, Culture/Community, Contribution, Care/Compassion, Communication, and Celebration. Each individual must agree to our Terms and Conditions, and this can not be done as a couple or shared account.
If you are paying for EBBC on a payment plan, you will get LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP when your payment plan is complete. If you miss payments or stop payments for the course, you will be removed from Erotic Freedom Club and lose access to all the Course and Bonus Content. Any monies paid will be considered to be part of a temporary membership and will not be refunded to you, should you terminate your membership by intent or by accident.
Every member will be required to uphold our community agreements in order to retain membership and The Company reserves the right to remove anyone from the club if it appears to be necessary and appropriate to do so.
If you are removed from Erotic Freedom Club, you will lose access to all the course materials and bonuses and The Company is under no obligation to refund any monies paid, in part or in full.
Terms for Exclusive Bonuses Offered during the 12-10-21 to 12-18-21 promotional window:
Time limited bonuses may be offered during certain promotional windows. The members who have access to these bonuses are specified during these promotional windows. The Company is under no obligation to provide anyone not included in the specified group access to these bonuses. Payment in full or continued monthly payments may be a requirement in order to receive certain bonuses and The Company is under no obligation to provide bonuses to clients who are not current with their payment plans or have not completed payment in full for their tuition or membership.
Two, time-limited, special bonuses were offered during this promotional window.
- “The Erotic Blueprint Campfire Bonuses” to be delivered only to those who enrolled in EBBC prior to 12pm PST Tuesday December 14th, 2021 or were part of EFC prior to this offer. These Campfires will be delivered in March of 2022.
- “2 Deep Dive Lives with Jaiya (VIrtual/In-Person Trainings)” to be delivered to those who enrolled in EBBC prior to 11:59pm PST December 18th, 2021or were part of EFC prior to this offer. These 2 classes with Jaiya will be delivered in April/May of 2022.
To receive these bonuses, you must have enrolled in EBBC prior to the deadline stated above and you must also be an active member of the club at the time these bonuses are delivered. Therefore, if you cancel your subscription prior to the delivery of the Erotic Blueprint Campfires or the Deep Dive Lives With Jaiya, you are not entitled to, nor will you have access to theses exclusive bonuses.
Please email all tech and logistical questions to [email protected]. Do not post in the group. This will ensure that your needs will be seen by customer care and we can track your concerns to make sure you are well taken care of.
You may email [email protected] anytime to contact customer service for help.
You may develop relationships with other members of the Club. The Blueprint Breakthrough / Jaiya, Inc. are not responsible for any interactions you choose to have with other members of the Club. Should you choose to attend any events that are not officially sponsored by The Blueprint Breakthrough / Jaiya, Inc. you attend these events at your own risk. Any people you meet or personal gatherings you attend that are not officially sponsored by The Blueprint Breakthrough / Jaiya, Inc. through this community, you choose to meet at your own risk.
Working with Blueprint Coaches or attending events sponsored by Blueprint Coaches (their events): Coaches are independent contractors and your agreements are made solely between you and the Coach. However, all Blueprint Coaches must adhere to our ‘Code of Ethics’ and should there be a breach of these rules, you can reach out to [email protected] to let us know and get support. We also offer independent, third party support where you can make an anonymous report. Contact the customer care team above to get the contact information for this anonymous reporting.
As of November, 2023, there are 3 membership levels in EFC, which come along with different programs and levels of support:
‘Starter’ Membership: This is available to all members and gives all members access to our basic bonuses and events as part of The Pleasure Bundle.
‘Classic’ Membership: Classic members have purchased our premier training, The Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough Program (EBBP). They receive access to bonuses available to Classic members along with all the ‘Start’ membership benefits.
‘Premium’ Membership: Premium members have access to EBBP and receive access to multiple monthly group coaching calls held by our Lead Blueprint Coaches.
Any additional bonuses you may have received during the time of your membership that were not part of your originally purchased package, will not be offered to you outside of the Erotic Freedom Club and you may lose access to them inside the Club should you not complete a payment plan or close your membership and rejoin at a later date. Your member profile may also be removed and you may need to recreate your profile and re-sign our community agreements. If for any reason you did not re-sign the community agreements upon re-entry, your original signature of the community agreements will stand as your agreement to abide by our community agreements as a participating member of the Club and our community.
This Section Updated 6 – 2023
Attendees of this event must be 18 years of age or older.
The content of this event is of an adult nature. You attest that you are of sound mind and body and take full responsibility for your own well-being before, during and after this event. This event may include challenging mental, physical and emotional material and you agree that you attending of your own free will.
This event is a live, in-person event scheduled to run from the evening of October 17th through October 20th. Your ticket does not include travel, lodging or meals and those additional expenses are the solely the responsibility of the ticket holder. As of 06-2024 the venue has not been selected for this event. The event will be held west of the Mississippi in the continental U.S..
Ticket is refundable up until 60 days prior to the commencement of the event. Within 60 days of the commencement of the event, the tickets are only refundable for 72 hours after purchase. Besides this 72 hour acceptation, there will be no refunds given for tickets within 60 days of the beginning of the event.
Tickets are non-transferable. Due to the nature of this event we do not allow the transfer of tickets to another person.
All attendees will be required to sign our Liability release and media release in order to attend this event. The samples included are for your review. The terms of these releases may be updated before we send them out to event registrants.
As an attendee you will also agree to abide by our community agreements which are designed to keep all participants as safe as possible. These agreements will be provided after registration to ensure confidentiality of other participants, team and workshop leaders personal information, honoring boundaries and consent, self-care and respecting the needs of others.
We provide as inclusive of an environment as possible. You may be exposed to alternate consensual relationship styles, expressions of consensual sexual practices and gender expression which is unfamiliar to you. As a participant, you will honor the different forms of consensual expression represented within our community.
This Section Updated 11 – 2023
Mini-Courses (Such as “Blueprint Immersions”, “Adventure Date Success System” and “The 10 Day Pleasure Challenge”)
In some cases, your request for a refund will remove you from access to your course and bonus materials. Some bonuses included in your purchase may not be delivered until after the 30-day refund window has passed. This is one way we assure that you are honestly invested in your purchase.
There is NO sharing of your Club Membership permitted.
Every person who has access to EFC must have purchased their own membership or course, or bundle that includes a ‘Starter’ membership or higher. As a ‘Starter’ member or ‘Classic’ Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough Program’ member of the Club, you do not have access to all courses and bonuses available in Erotic Freedom Club (EFC) and you do not have access to the monthly group coaching calls that come with Premium membership.
If you have a subscription membership, you may only have access to the courses and bonuses that you purchased. If you are interested in upgrading your membership to have full access to all courses and bonuses available to ‘Classic’ or ‘Premium’ level members, you can reach out to [email protected] and request to upgrade your membership. You may also see links inside the Club that make it possible to upgrade your membership.
You will not be granted access to closed courses and bonuses that you have not purchased by simply ‘requesting to join’ those courses.
Every person who has access to EFC, must have purchased their own membership or course that includes a Trial Membership.
This policy is in place to help assure the safety of each participating member. We need to know who is participating in the Club and that everyone in the Club has agreed to abide by our Community Agreements.
As a subscription Member you do not have access to all courses and bonuses available in Erotic Freedom Club (EFC)
If you have a subscription membership, you may only have access to the courses and bonuses that you purchased. If you are interested in upgrading your membership to have full access to all courses and bonuses available to full Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough Course members, you can reach out to [email protected] and request to upgrade your membership. You may also see links inside the Club that make it possible to upgrade your membership.
You will not be granted access to closed courses and bonuses that you have not purchased by simply “requesting to join” those courses.
This Section Updated 11 – 2023
- ‘Classic’ Membership: Access to the online program inside of our online Club. There are no group coaching calls associated with the Classic Membership Level
- ‘Premium” Membership: Access to the online program inside of our online Club as well as providing multiple group coaching calls every month and access to other bonus courses (available bonus courses changes from time to time.)
We are committed to creating a rewarding experience for all our clients. If you are having challenges with the material, experiencing technical difficulties, or are looking for some specific educational material and not finding it in the training, please reach out to [email protected] and communicate with our customer care team so we may assist you.
This Section Updated 6 – 2024
When you enroll in the ‘$1 Premium Membership Preview’ Program, you are accepting auto-enrollment to pay for the Premium Member Tuition and your checking of the ‘terms and conditions’ box on our payment shopping cart during checkout acts as your legally binding signature and your acknowledgment that you have read and understand the nature of your purchase and the terms of this agreement. As a member of this or any other auto-enrollment program offered by BB, Inc., your credit card will be automatically charged 30 days after you have enrolled for the first payment of your payment plan or you will be charged for the full balance, depending on which payment option you have chosen during the checkout process. The tuition for Premium Membership may vary depending on the current pricing and any special offers available at the time of your purchase.
If you choose the payment plan option, your card will be charged every 30 days until the tuition balance is paid in full. Only when your tuition is paid in full will you have secured lifetime access to the program you have purchased and the benefits it affords.
The fees associated to the Premium Membership Preview may be in addition to fees you are paying for another program or service for BB, Inc., i.e., if you have chosen the payment plan option for our ‘Classic’ Membership and your monthly payment for this program is $100, and you have added the Premium Preview to your purchase and that fee is $89 per month, your total monthly payment would be $189.00. Once tuition for any program is paid in full, your monthly payment will be reduced by the amount that is no longer due.
You may cancel your auto-enrollment at any time. Reach out to [email protected] for assistance. We will email you at least 2 emails prior to every payment, to inform you of the upcoming charge to your account, and these emails will contain links or processes for easy cancellation. If, at any point, you cancel your payments or your credit card fails to process, and your credit card details are not updated in a timely manner, before your tuition has been paid in full, you will be removed from the Premium level membership and lose access to the Premium Member benefits such as the monthly group coaching calls.
We provide a 60 day money back guarantee for the ‘$1 Premium Member Preview’ Program, so you may cancel even after your first 30 day monthly payment has been made and receive a full refund.
If you cancel your Premium Preview Program membership within the first 60 days of your membership, you will receive a full refund for any fees paid for this specific program. If you are a member of any other program, i.e. Classic Level Membership, you will retain this program and the benefits associated with these other programs. We will only cancel the additional memberships if you specifically request that we cancel them. If your automatic payments fail, and payment details are not updated in a timely manner, you may be removed from any memberships where your payment has not been successfully processed and you may be removed from Erotic Freedom Club at our discretion.
Should you cancel after the 60 day money back guarantee timeframe has expired, there will be no refund for fees paid.
If you fail to pay in full for this or any other program, you will be removed from the program where a balance is outstanding.
TERMS AND CONDITIONS – Live Coach Training
Tickets agreements and policies for the Coach Live Training
- The Coach Live Event is only available to Licensed Erotic Blueprint Coaches™. There are no seats available for partners to this event.
Your tickets are non-transferable.
There is no ticket cost for a Licensed Coach who wishes to attend the Live Coach Training. The cost of your ticket for this event is included in your Coach Licensing fees. You are required to register to reserve your seat for the Coach Live event. There will be time restrictions, by when you need to reserve your seats for the event. There are significant costs associated with every seat reserved. Please only reserve your seat if you plan to attend the event (DO NOT hold a seat just in case).
Travel and Lodgings:
For all live workshops, including but not limited to The Coach Live Event, travel and lodgings are not included. In some cases meals may be included. Inclusion of meals is specific to each event and you should inquire with your Blueprint Breakthrough, Inc. customer care specialist regarding your select event for details regarding meals or for purchase meal plans, if they are on offer
Coronavirus policies for The Coach Live Event (Added 02-21-2022)
We hope and expect that Coronavirus will continue to decline as a health risk for travel and in-person workshops such as these.
You are personally responsible to understand and follow any and all public health policies associated with your travel. The Company will not be responsible for tracking various governmental policies other than those directly related to the locality where we are hosting the events.
We are not requiring vaccination for these events, but we will adhere to the restrictions made by State, County and local governments and the hosting venue. These policies are subject to change and The Company has no authority to contradict or override any of these restrictions. You will be expected to comply with any required policies to be able to attend the event. Your refusal to comply gives The Company the right to refuse entry to the event and no refunds shall be made.
Come at your own risk!
These are intimate workshops with as many as 300 people in attendance.
Social distancing practices would not allow you to get the full benefits of the event and we will not be social distancing or requiring any participants to wear masks, unless public policy or venue policy requires us to do so. However, you may wear a mask, if you wish.
When you attend this event, you choose to take 100% responsibility for any and all risk to your health and will be required to sign a waiver to that effect.
Public policy may shift and change requirements regarding required vaccinations.
Should there be a shutdown that makes it impossible to deliver this event on the dates scheduled, we reserve the right to move the event to a future date and to transfer your ticket(s) to one of those future offerings.
We highly recommend that you procure comprehensive travel insurance that covers Covid illnesses, other illness and injury related issues. The Company will not be responsible for any fees or damages associated with your event, travel, or health expenses, should you or any guest contract an illness or become injured.
We are not responsible for travel restrictions imposed by individual countries, states, counties, cites or establishments that may affect your individual ability to attend. Travel, food and lodging fees are solely the responsibility of the participant.
Should there be travel restrictions that affect you directly, we will do our best to support you in the transfer of your ticket to a suitable replacement event, but we are under no obligation to refund your tuition for this event. Tickets will not be transferred or refunded simply because travel may be inconvenient, difficult or impossible.
There will be no refunds of any kind offered once we are within 4 weeks of the start of your event.
We know that the epidemic continues to create uncertainty and we request your partnership in navigating the unknown. We are all in this together.
We give you our deep gratitude and appreciation for rolling the waves with us!
Acts of God, Nature, Terrorism or War: If the Event is canceled by The Company due to fire, flood, earthquake or any similar Act of God, Nature, Epidemic, Terrorism or War beyond the control of The Company, The Company will be entitled to reschedule the event at a later date if possible. The Company will ensure that it gives the Client reasonable notice of rescheduled dates. The Company will make all attempts to reschedule the event. If the event cannot be rescheduled, Jaiya, Inc./ The Blueprint Breakthrough, Inc. will supply the client with a full refund.
This Section Updated 6 – 2023
All other sections contained in this terms and conditions contract remain binding and in full effect unless otherwise excluded in this section. If you are enrolled in or have been bonused any other program or service offering that is defined in this contract, those stipulations apply to that contract and all other terms and conditions listed in this contract, which apply, also remain binding and in full effect.
Only Certified Erotic Blueprint Coaches may teach our material. You must be a Certified Erotic Blueprint Coach to teach the Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough Framework and the Erotic Blueprint Types. We do have an Affiliate program if you want to share the Erotic Blueprint Quiz, or refer people to our community. If you are interested in becoming an Affiliate or a Certified Erotic Blueprint Coach, please email [email protected] to request information to enroll.
Paying for and completion of your Erotic Breakthrough™ Coach Certification Course™ (referred to in this section as “The Course”, “Certification Course” or “The Program”) and completion of all required materials for the course is not a guarantee of receiving your certification. To receive and maintain your certification:
- You will be required to sign a Licensing Agreement separate from these terms and conditions. Terms and Conditions will not contradict the licensing agreement in any way. The licensing agreement contains details about the requirements of all parties involved (The Company, Student, Licensee, Licensee’s company). See Full Licensing Agreement Here. See corporate page here.
- As part of Erotic Blueprint™ Coach Certification, you must agree to operate within the Blueprint Coach™ Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics. See Code of Conduct and Ethics Here.
- At the discretion of The Company, you must pass a thorough background check. A background check will be completed during your onboarding or during the course of the program and can be run at any time by The Company while you remain a certified/licensed coach. We will give you written notice of the request to authorize a background check and, to stay in good standing with your contract, you will need to give us access to the needed items in a timely manner to run a background check on you. Findings in a background check may be grounds for termination of your license to operate as a Blueprint Coach
- You must be paid in full and be in good standing with any monthly or annual dues as defined for your certification. Current monthly dues upon certification are subject to change for each graduating class, or over time unless your offer included a lifetime locked in rate. You will be notified of any alterations in monthly fees. As part of a promotion, you may have been offered a waiver of these fees for a certain number of months and you may have been granted a lifetime monthly certification rate.
- You represent honestly and truthfully that you are of sound mind and body and able to perform within the defined guidelines for ethical and safe behavior with your clients and you will represent the materials accurately.
- Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough Coaches must always use proper branding, logos and color schemes when marketing or presenting materials for the course. You will be provided with a style sheet to help you remain in compliance.
- All materials used by the Certified Blueprint Coach must carry proper copyright symbols, logos and markings and attribution must be properly given to Jaiya and The Blueprint Breakthrough, Inc./Jaiya, Inc. as related to those materials.
- The Company will define “suggested retail” pricing for the services you offer in the interest of helping you be financially effective in building your coaching practice. You will set your own rates. You may not use language in your marketing related to pricing such as “discount(ed)”, “Sale”, “Less Than”, “Free” or other marketing language as such related to the programs. You may offer “free” lectures, promotional webinars, etc..
- Being an Erotic Breakthrough™ Certified Coach is not a license for any hands-on touch work with clients. You, as a coach, practitioner or healer, are responsible to maintain proper licensure for any modalities that grant you the legal right to engage in hands-on touch client work. The Blueprint Breakthrough, Inc./Jaiya, Inc. and its affiliates and assigns are in no way claiming to grant you such legal rights or legal protection for such work.
- The entirety of your agreement to receive and maintain Blueprint Coach Certification can be found here and here. Please review this documentation so you are apprised of all benefits and obligations afforded to you as a Certified Licensed Blueprint Coach. If it is found that you are in violation of any of these terms and conditions, The Company may revoke your license immediately and without notice and once notified you must immediately cease and desist representing, in any way, that you are a licensed coach of our Trademarked Methods, Practices and Materials.
- The Company may also choose to revoke your Certification upon review by two senior members of the The Company’s staff, if it is determined that, in some form or fashion, you, the Certified Blueprint Coach, are misrepresenting, mishandling, improperly promoting the work or it is deemed that your behavior is unacceptable or causing harm to the company, the brand, other coaches or clients.
- You, the Certified Blueprint Coach, may terminate your licensing at any time. At that time, any payments or fees due must be paid in full. You will not be reimbursed for any fees already paid.
- From the point of purchase of the training program, either party has 72 hours to cancel the contract and the purchaser will receive a full refund of any fees or deposit. The request for a refund and cancellation of the program must be received in writing by email ([email protected]). Voice messages and requests through social media or verbal requests will not be considered valid.
- Upon termination by either party for any reason the Certified Blueprint Coach, Licensee will no longer represent that they are a Certified Blueprint Coach, will return all materials used as a Certified Blueprint Coach and will keep all proprietary knowledge of The Company and the Coaching Program’s practices and methods confidential.
- We are protecting the brand for The Company and all Certified Blueprint Coaches of these methods and compliance to these terms and conditions is necessary to maintain the highest level of quality and service.
- These terms and conditions are subject to change. If any change affects the Coach and governing body relationship, you, the certified coach or coaching student will be informed and required to sign a new agreement in order to remain informed and in full consent to and compliance with your Erotic Breakthrough Coach Certification Licensing agreement. When you have received updated contracts, you are required to submit your signed revised agreement/contract within 30 days of receipt. If you do not sign the agreement and continue to practice as a certified coach, it is assumed that you are operating in compliance with the new agreement and your contract may be terminated for failure to comply, if any action is taken that does not comply with updated guidelines.
Licensee must complete and pass the Erotic Blueprint Coach Certification course and course examinations within 90 days of the training course completion to qualify for certification and the licenses set forth hereunder. In some cases an extension may be granted for a fee.
Failure to complete and pass course examinations may subject Licensee to retaking the Erotic Blueprint Coach Certification Course under the terms given when the course is next offered. Course fees may apply. Failure to complete certification requirements by the Licensee in no way obligates The Company to refund tuition or continue training.
For all requested program refunds, we will request that you discuss with us your reason for requesting the refund, as we are always working to improve our offerings
The Company reserves the right to cancel anyone out of the program for any reason it deems appropriate, such as if The Company believes that your behavior is damaging to any of our reputation or the reputation of any of our teachings or programs, including but not limited to: the Ignite Your Passion Program, Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough Course, or any of our live events, or damaging to other participants. In such cases, there will be no refund.
Lead Blueprint Coach™ Mentorship Training Program:
This Section Updated 7 – 2024
The Lead Blueprint Coach Mentorship is a 2 year training program. If you are accepted into this training and you choose to enroll, the commitment is for the full 2 years and all tuition for the program is to be paid in full and you are responsible for payment in full even in the event that you choose or are unable to complete the program. Extenuating circumstances may be considered, but the termination of payment commitments is at the discretion of Jaiya, Inc. and The Blueprint Breakthrough, Inc.. Once the initial payment is received, there is only a 72 hour window to cancel and receive a full refund.
It is expected that you will complete all requirements of a licensed Blueprint Coach, including but not limited to The Trauma Aware Training, and SOGGIE trainings and that you have passed those assessments. It is also expected that you will be in good standing with the Coaching Code of Ethics agreement.
It is also required that you will already be certified or complete your certification for the Accelerated Evolution Training provided by Warrior/Sage (any fees due to Warrior/Sage to complete your certification with them are the sole responsibility of the participating member).
There is no guarantee that you will be granted the title of Lead Blueprint Coach. You will need to pass the given assessments and the Lead Trainer Team must reach consensus that you meet or exceed the expectations set for being given the official honorific of Lead Blueprint Coach. There is also no guarantee of employment by The Company even if you are granted title and certified as a Lead Blueprint Coach.
The Company will make every effort to assist participants in successfully completing the training. Though the program is officially 2 years in length, each individual Coach’s program may run longer than 2 years to complete.
Applicants General Requirements to Achieve Certification.
- Must be certified and actively coaching clients with the Blueprint Modalities or certified by the time the Mentorship officially begins
- Must be Accelerated Evolution certified or be in the process of completing your certification and complete it during the course of the 2 year training.
- Must be of sound mind and actively engaged in doing personal development work
This Section Updated 3 – 2022
The In-Depth Quiz is a one time payment. There are no refunds for the Quiz Reports. Reach out to [email protected] if you did not receive your Blueprint Report after having taken the In-Depth Quiz or if you need any other support regarding your Blueprint Report.
This Section Updated 3 – 2022
General Provisions:
You acknowledge that you are not relying upon any warranties, promises, guarantees or representations made by anyone acting or claiming to act on behalf of The Company or its subsidiaries unless it is in writing and made a part of this Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire understanding and agreement between you and The Company, and no addition or modification of any terms shall be effective unless set forth in writing and signed by you and The Company.
All content contained on the Website (collectively, “Content”), such as text, graphics, logos, icons, images, audio and video clips, digital downloads, data compilations, and software, is The Company’s property or the property of our licensors or licensees, and the compilation of the Content on the Website is our exclusive property, protected by United States and international copyright laws, treaties and conventions. All software used on the Website is The Company’s property or the property of our software suppliers and protected by United States and international copyright laws, treaties and conventions.
Any trademarks, service marks, graphics, logos, page headers, icons, scripts and trade names (each, a “Mark”) contained on the Website are proprietary to The Company or our licensors or licensees. The Company’s Marks may not be used in connection with any product or service that is not The Company’s n any manner that is likely to cause confusion among users or that disparages or discredits us or anyone else. All other Marks not owned by The Company that appear on the Website are the property of their respective owners, who may or may not be affiliated with, connected to, or sponsored by The Company.
We grant you a limited license to access and make personal use of the Website. No content of the website or any other Internet site owned, operated, licensed, or controlled by The Company may be copied, reproduced, republished, downloaded (other than page caching), uploaded, posted, transmitted or distributed in any way, or sold, resold, visited, or otherwise exploited for any commercial purpose, except that you may download one (1) copy of the Content that we make available to you for such purposes on a single computer for your personal, noncommercial, home use only, provided that you: (a) keep intact all copyright, trademark and other proprietary rights notices; (b) do not modify any of the Content; (c) do not use any Content in a manner that suggests an association with any of our products, services or brands; and (d) do not download Content so as to avoid future downloads from the Website. Your use of Content on any other website or computer environment is strictly prohibited. The license granted to you does not include, and specifically excludes, any rights to: resell or make any commercial use of the Website or any Content; collect and use any product listings, descriptions, or prices; make any derivative use of the Website or Content; download or copy account information for the benefit of anyone else; or use any form of data mining, robots, or similar data gathering and extraction tools. You may not frame, or utilize framing techniques to enclose any Mark, Content or other proprietary information, or use any meta tags or any other “hidden text” utilizing any such intellectual property, without The Company’s and each applicable owner’s express written consent. Any unauthorized use automatically terminates the license granted to you hereunder. You are granted a limited, revocable, and non-exclusive right to create a hyperlink only to our home page provided that the link does not portray us or our licensors or licensees, or their respective products or services, in a false, misleading, derogatory, or otherwise offensive matter. You may not use any of our or any such party’s intellectual property as part of the link without our and each such party’s express written consent.
We will not be held responsible for any information loss or damages resulting from system failure due from any external or internal devices, acts of nature, or acts of God. User may not use any device that interferes with the proper working of Website. User agrees not to disclose password to a third party and understands that any and all actions taken under your password are your responsibility.
We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to change, modify, add or delete portions of these Terms and Conditions at any time without notice. Our best efforts will be made to notify you of changes to our policy, however it is your responsibility to review these Terms and Conditions for any changes. We make no guarantee of notification of changes to our Terms and Conditions Policies. Your use of our course offerings following any change to these Terms and Conditions will constitute your assent to and acceptance of the revised Terms of Use.
You agree to indemnify and hold harmless The Company s a result of your voluntary choice to participate in this program. You will not hold The Company or its representatives responsible for any actions or adverse results created as a direct result of advice or recommendations given by The Company, its Coaches, or other program participants.
If any of the provisions contained in this Agreement, or any part of them, is hereafter construed to be invalid or unenforceable, the same shall not affect the remainder of such provision or any other provision contained herein, which shall be given full effect regardless of the invalid provision or part thereof.
Any and all unresolved disputes regarding this Agreement shall be settled by binding arbitration before a single arbitrator, using the Commercial Rules of the American Arbitration Association, California. The laws of the State of California shall govern this Agreement. If it becomes necessary to enforce this Agreement through legal action, then we shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorney fees and costs incurred in such enforcement of this Agreement.
You will indemnify and hold Jaiya Inc. harmless from any obligation, cost claim, judgment, attorneys’ and legal fees, and attachments in any way connected with the services rendered under the terms of this Agreement. Any controversies arising out of the terms of this Agreement or its interpretation shall be settled in California in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association, and the judgment upon award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof.
Please email all tech and logistical questions to [email protected]. Do not post in the group. This will ensure they are seen by customer care and we can track to make sure you are well taken care of.
This Policy will be strictly enforced and your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Jaiya, Inc
P.O. Box 34
Boulder, CO. 80306-0034
669 238 3200
[email protected]
My check in the box marked “terms and conditions” on any electronic order form associated with my program or ticket(s) purchase is considered to be my electronic signature and legally binding as my agreement to the terms and conditions stated on this contract herein.
© 2023 Jaiya, all rights reserved |